How do you set your AMC apart from the competition? By giving your clients access to exciting capabilities that not every AMC offers. We’ll share two...Read More
There are plenty of technical solutions for monitoring and preventing security attacks, but what’s hardest to control in nonprofit cybersecurity is...Read More
Moving from a paper process to an online application more than five years ago improved things for the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation....Read More
As a nonprofit, you’re expected to keep overhead at a minimum so you can direct as much funding possible toward your mission. But technology is much...Read More
Grantmakers have traditionally relied on grant reports for accountability and oversight. But there’s a missed opportunity here. Learn how you can...Read More
Hosting your grant management system in the cloud offers major advantages for nonprofits with limited funds, space, and IT staff. But not all...Read More
A lack of internal resources and a variety of programs and processes to manage left the Texas Tech University team ready for change. “This is...Read More
Even though university campuses have largely embraced technology, most of it is for students. Faculty and staff are left to juggle disjointed systems...Read More
You spend time developing grant, scholarship, or fellowship applications that are approachable and provide the detailed information you need to...Read More