“If you build it, they will come.”
This famous line from the movie Field of Dreams might apply to a baseball field, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always hold true for your fellowship program.
So, how do you encourage the best and brightest to apply to your fellowship?
It’s simple -- put yourself in their shoes.
Think about the applicant’s needs, questions, and worries. Then, build elements into your process that address each one. We’ll show you how. Let’s walk through eight steps to building an engaging fellowship application process.
Your first step is to paint a picture of what candidates can expect when they’re accepted into your program. Go beyond a simple description of what they’ll do. Create a multi-dimensional experience, so they can decide if it’s a good fit.
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation is an excellent model for this approach. They’ve created a website that gives prospective fellows a sense of what they can do and the organization they’d represent.
Your fellowship alumni are critical to engaging potential candidates. There’s nothing more powerful than a one-to-one conversation with someone who’s “been there.” Look for ways to involve your alumni throughout the application cycle. You might ask them to:
A great example is the “Ask a Brookie” section of the Brooke Owens Fellowship, where potential applicants can ask anything of a former fellow.
Another way to guide candidates through the decision-making process is a series of blog posts that focus on common questions, obstacles, or concerns. For example, you might have posts like:
You could also have your current fellows write blog posts about their experiences like The Professional Fellows Program (PFP).
The more channels you have for applicants to reach you, the better. This will remove obstacles to applying, especially for those with busy or irregular schedules. It also sends a clear message that you welcome their application and will continue to support them if they’re selected as a fellow.
By limiting your candidates to standard written responses, you could be missing out on a chance to see their full potential. Think about how you can incorporate new technologies or formats that provide more ways for applicants to showcase their skills.
Once you’ve convinced someone to apply, get them to the finish line with a clear, easy-to-use, online application. You don’t want to put up any unnecessary obstacles with confusing forms. By using a fellowship application system, your candidates will be guided through the application process in stages, with customizable instructions all along the way. They can also:
Once they apply, your candidates will be anxiously awaiting more information. In your confirmation email, be sure to provide a clear timeline for decisions and notify them of any delays. With fellowship application software, you can send these updates with a single template and a click.
It’s also possible to have reviewers contact applicants directly if they have follow-up questions, which helps your selection team choose the best candidates. This all occurs inside the system, so all communications are recorded alongside the application, making it quick and efficient.
For applicants who weren’t selected or those who had to postpone their application, it’s critical to stay connected. There’s a good chance they’ll apply again, especially if you stay top of mind. A fellowship application system acts as a CRM for all the stakeholders in your program. And it’s easy to integrate with popular email marketing apps. Consider sending send monthly newsletters, deadline reminders, or opportunities to network with fellowship alumni. All these individual touches will add up, and they’ll be more likely to apply in the future.
Applying for a fellowship requires a significant time investment. But when you give applicants a vision of the amazing experiences in store for them, remove concerns about whether they’re qualified, and make the process easy and seamless, you’ll have candidates eager to apply!