January 10, 2018

Year in Review: 2017 at WizeHive

One more trip around the sun complete. And what a year it was.

At WizeHive we always seem to be looking forward. How can we improve our platform, connect with more organizations, help more, do more, be more? But looking back has its benefits, too. It can help you learn, improve, and yes, it can also remind you of how far you have come.

Looking back on 2017, we are a little proud. We're excited about how much we've been able to help foundations, nonprofits, universities, associations, and other organizations save time and money while improving their grants, scholarships, fellowship, and other programs. And we're really excited to build on all the growth we experienced. 

Here's how our 365 days translated into some other important numbers.

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Topic(s): News & Events

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